Advantages Carpe Diem
By having us as a professional partner, you perform your work in a more flexible and order-driven manner. At the same time, you reduce the expenditure for personnel costs and personnel administration without having to sacrifice quality and reliability.
We support you within the context of temporary staffing so that you …
… save costs in the searching for, selection and hiring of staff.
Due to the demographic and economic development, it becomes increasingly difficult and time-consuming to look for suitable staff and even harder to find it. We are happy to take care of this time-consuming work and the associated costs for you and handle all the formalities so that you can focus on your core business.
… are able to adjust your personnel requirements as needed in a quick and uncomplicated manner.
By using your own small number of permanent personnel and our qualified temporary workers, you remain flexible in the long term and can easily cope with order peaks.
… are able to expand your capacities and thus meet deadlines.
We offer you immediately available employees so that you can also accept short-term orders or meet existing deadlines.
… always keep track of your personnel costs.
We only invoice you for the services actually performed exactly to the hour.
… reduce your personnel costs and overcome bottlenecks.
We take care of any costs caused by overtime, sick leave, annual leave and other periods of absence of our employees and promptly provide a replacement.
… you can always rely on your employees without worry.
Our employees can easily be integrated in your existing team. You have the authority to issue instructions, the responsibility and right of control with regard to the services rendered.